Energy efficiency

On the Jevons paradox

Have you heard about the Jevons paradox ? Or the rebound effect ? Neither of them ? However they both refer to an interesting fact related to energy, efficiency and conservation. In a nutshell : we have been using more and more energy since the Industrial revolution, centuries ago, however, appliances and processes are more …

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Can the world be powered by 100% renewables ?

The WWF believes it can be done in four little decades. As they state on their website: ” All of the world’s energy needs could be provided cleanly, renewably and economically by 2050. “ They are right on one point : energy efficiency’s potential is gigantic. Indeed I am reading a book which thesis is …

Can the world be powered by 100% renewables ? Read More »

A staggering figure on energy efficiency

You know it if you have read this blog for some time : energy efficiency is the single best solution to solve all our energy and climate problems. It can be used literally everywhere and in anything and save huge amounts of money. Now, here comes Dr. Julian M Allwood from the University of Cambridge. …

A staggering figure on energy efficiency Read More »

Will 2011 be the year of energy efficiency ?

Late last year GreenTech Media published an article stating that this year will be the one dedicated to energy efficiency. As you know the potential of energy savings is quite huge. As the author notes there : ” I believe that this is the year that we will really see cleantech companies which are focused …

Will 2011 be the year of energy efficiency ? Read More »

Is peak coal already threatening China ?

To the New York Times green blog : ” China’s ravenous appetite for energy puts the country at risk of reaching a point of  “peak coal,” when demand for coal will outstrip domestic production capacity, a growing number of experts believe.” ” China now consumes approximately 47 percent of coal produced globally but by most …

Is peak coal already threatening China ? Read More »

Russia to invest $300 billion in energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is the very basis of a more sustainable society and Russia seems to have understood that. This is a great news as the country is one of the largest coal consumers. As I note in my latest article for CleanTechies : “Some interesting news recently went unnoticed. Indeed, last month, Russia unveiled a …

Russia to invest $300 billion in energy efficiency Read More »

Renewables outpace other fuels in Europe and US

To the UNEP : ” In 2009, (…) both the US and Europe added more power capacity from renewable sources such as wind and solar than from conventional sources like coal, gas and nuclear. “ But this is not all as the United Nations give us more details : ” Renewables accounted for 60 % …

Renewables outpace other fuels in Europe and US Read More »

23 measures to cut US emissions by 27% by 2020

You know it if you have been reading this blog for a while, I am advocating energy efficiency as the ultimate solution to all our climate and energy issues as it can be applied literally everywhere. As a matter of facts we have seen this is the cheapest way to cut emissions and even save …

23 measures to cut US emissions by 27% by 2020 Read More »

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