Saudi Arabia to go 100 percent low carbon

Saudi Arabia flagsI already had mentioned very ambitious plans from Saudi Arabia to jump-start a solar revolution. So the following news aren’t totally surprising me. As The Guardian reported :

” Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil producer, has plans to become 100% powered by renewable and low-carbon forms of energy, according to an influential member of the royal family. “

” But the process is likely to take decades, and some observers are sceptical as to whether it is any more than window-dressing. “

The article goes on :

Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud, founder of the King Faisal Foundation and one of the state’s top spokesmen, told the Global Economic Symposium in Brazil that he hoped the kingdom might be powered entirely by low-carbon energy within his lifetime – he is 67 – but that he thought it was likely to take longer.

However, he insisted Saudi was moving ahead with investment in renewable energy, nuclear power and other alternatives to fossil fuels and that it could use its vast oil reserves for other goods, such as plastics and polymers.

You truly know you are in the middle of a revolution when the guardians of the temple – in this case, the largest oil producer – are embracing a paradigm shift. Let’s hope these strong words will be followed by equally strong acts !

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