Retrofitting the Empire State Building

The Empire State Building goes greenWhat happens when organizations like the Clinton Foundation and the Rocky Mountain Institute work together ? Answer: they retrofit the Empire State Building. This will cut by the energy consumption by 40 percent.

Built during the 1930s to create thousands of jobs and answer the economic crisis, its $20 million retrofit will occur as we face another recession of equal importance. This will save $4.4 million per year on the energy bill.

With a payback time of less than five years, these investments will last half a century or more. I hope this project will inspire many others around the world.

This would save a lot of money and help solving climate change. Here goes the official presentation video:

This show we can cut by 40% our GHG emissions by 2020. It makes sense in terms of money, energy and so on. So let’s do it !

For more details, please check out this article on TreeHugger or the official website of the building.

1 thought on “Retrofitting the Empire State Building”

  1. Pingback: Posts about recession as of May 21, 2009 | Shirasmane

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