peak coal

Is peak coal already threatening China ?

To the New York Times green blog : ” China’s ravenous appetite for energy puts the country at risk of reaching a point of  “peak coal,” when demand for coal will outstrip domestic production capacity, a growing number of experts believe.” ” China now consumes approximately 47 percent of coal produced globally but by most …

Is peak coal already threatening China ? Read More »

Will peak coal really occur next year ?

The topic of peak coal is not entirely new as I wrote previously twice about it. What is entirely new is the date. To research carried by Tadeusz W. Patzek and Gregory D. Croft coal production from existing coalfields could peak as early as next year. But this is not all as still to their …

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Could peak coal occur as soon as 2025 ?

I wrote recently that  global coal reserves may be overestimated. At the time, the data I was quoting noted that coal reserves could be overestimated by 23 %. Now a new study show that coal supply could start decreasing by as early as 2025. With peak oil also due to occur in the very next …

Could peak coal occur as soon as 2025 ? Read More »

Overestimated global coal reserves

According to recent studies global coal reserves may be much smaller than previously thought. Indeed, estimates are now of 662 billion tons instead of 850 billion tons. That’s 23 percent smaller. So, what occurred with estimates of remaining oil is also true here : countries overestimated their coal reserves and peak coal is nearer than …

Overestimated global coal reserves Read More »

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