Climate change

CARMA rates CO2 emissions of energy generation

Thanks to my good friend Etienne Schneider, I discovered a very interesting tool that rates the CO2 emissions due to the energy sector worldwide. CARMA (CArbon Monitoring for Action) provides reliable data on 50,000 plants and 4,000 energy companies. All this enable us to see which countries are the most polluting. CARMA is “produced and

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Another study urges us to act fast

The Worldwatch Institute, a US-based environmental NGO, recently released it’s newest Vital Signs report which brings several worrying facts and urge us even more to act fast. This version notes that the energy consumption and the depletion of natural resources are threatening the world at an unprecedented rate. All this put at risk both Mankind

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IEA urges again to act strongly on energy efficiency

The International Energy Agency published this week the latest edition of its World Energy Outlook. It strongly reinforces the importance of energy efficiency and conservation to solve both problems that are climate change and energy scarcity. According to them, these policies have to implemented in the next ten years. This is the second time in

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The Grenelle, a French green revolution

Yesterday in Paris took place what will perhaps be remembered as the green event of the decade in France. The President Nicolas Sarkozy detailed in a 30-minute speech a very ambitious plan that concluded weeks of discussions on environmental causes within what is called here Le Grenelle de l’Environnement. From transportation and housing to electricity

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An escalation by 35 percent

One of the main events of the week is a study stating that greenhouse gases emissions are increasing 35 percent faster than forecast since 2000. The causes for such an important increase have both economic and climatic origins and each reason account for nearly half of the phenomenon. Indeed, human-made emissions increased in an important

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