
Google to invest massively in renewable energies

The world famous US company Google ,which is behind the most used search engine, plans in the very next years to invest hundreds of millions Dollars in renewable energy sources. The goal is to make solar, geothermal and wind energies price-competitive with electricity from coal-fired plants. A very ambitious idea as coal is much cheaper […]

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Comment réduire facilement ses factures de chauffage

Les températures hivernales arrivent petit à petit dans nos contrées et avec elles les premières gelées matinales. Au même moment, les prix du pétrole ne cessent de grimper vers les 100 dollars [En] ce qui pour nombre de ménages signifie des notes de fioul ou de gaz qui s’alourdissent. C’est donc le moment idéal de

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Oil prices reached $90

After reaching the $85 limit per barrel earlier this week, oil prices went shortly last night over $90 at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). This is explained by many factors such as geopolitical tensions or the exceptional weakness of the dollar as it reached a record level of $1.43 against the euro. As we

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Suez sells 3.3 billion € of electricity in Brazil

According to various sources, including CNN Money and Challenges, the French company Suez sold for 3.3 billion Euros worth of electricity during auctions in Brazil. The electricity will be generated by a dam that the company is currently building in collaboration with local companies. The project will be ready by 2012. This project is due

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IEA urges governments for energy efficiency

The International Energy Agency released this week an interesting paper on energy efficiency and its importance. According to an IEA executive :“Improving energy efficiency is the most cost-effective concrete action governments can take in the short term to address climate change and energy security concerns” I propose in this article the main statements and findings

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Oil prices reach 85 USD

Oil prices have been increasing for weeks and a new record was just set in London and New York as oil prices reached $85 and even $86 per barrel today. This is due to some tensions occurring between Turkey and Iraq. This is an occasion to get back to an article on oil that was

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Sources d’énergie et émissions de gaz à effet de serre

Comme je l’annonçais précédemment, je voulais faire depuis le début de ce blog un article sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre selon les différentes sources d’énergie. Afin d’être le plus impartial que possible, j’ai décidé d’utiliser trois différentes sources d’information. (MAJ le 18/09/07) Alors, quelle est la solution qui émet le plus

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