We should all partake in the Green Economy

This post was submitted for the UNEP World Environment Day blogging competition sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program  and TreeHugger. Please Like it on Facebook or tweet using the #WED2012 hashtag.

I have been convinced for years now that the only solution to our current global triple crisis – massive unemployment, climate change, peak oil – is the Green Economy. The UNEP and many NGOs have reinforced this strong belief.

Cleantech is already a reality as $260 billion were invested last year alone, and it is only the beginning as the UN declared this year will be the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.

But one shouldn’t think it is the only aspect of the Green Economy. Indeed, greening our economies will also have to include our agriculture, our industries, our houses, our transportation… Achieving a truly Green Economy globally will radically change our ways of living, going around, working, eating…

Most importantly, it will require a change of mindsets as our thirst for always more stuff simply isn’t possible on a finite world. Getting out our throw-away society and embracing a circular economy is the only way to go as there are more and more passengers on the Earth spaceship, the only livable place we have.

With less money for the traditional economy, isn’t it time to embrace sustainable alternatives ? Energy efficiency and renewables are growing faster and faster. They are also creating more and more jobs around the world.

If we want to prevent massive climate change, world wars and other equally horrifying prospects, our only way out is sustainability.

This is why I started embracing frugality and sobriety. This is why I have been blogging for more than five years on sustainability and those topics and why I will keep on doing so…

This is why I have been looking for a job in the Green Economy and this why I will partake in it one day…

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