Happy birthday EU !

A very short note just to state that the European Union is fifty today. Indeed, 50 years ago, on March 25th 1957, the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community (or EEC), the ancestor of the EU as we know it today.

At the very beginning, there were only six member countries : Germany, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and off course France.

flag_eu.jpgThe EEC, and the EU afterwards, brought Peace and Prosperity to this region of the world. During the century before 1957, France and Germany fought three wars against each other : the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71 and the two World Wars.

This was indeed too much. But now European countries are united and work hand in hand with their neighbour.

The EEC was to bring peace and prosperity to Europe. 50 years afterwards, what can we see? Unity indeed replaced division, Peace replaced endless wars, Prosperity replaced misery. The EU was undoubtedly a success for that.

I do wish I will be able to see the centenary of this group of countries and that the current difficulties will be overcame. The Berlin Declaration signed today is a good sign that cooperation will remain in the European Union.

To me, Europe and the entire world clearly need the European Union to continue. This group of countries can bring a lot to the world if it remains united and stands this way. The fact that it is the EU that signed the first treaty to mitigate climate change is to me a strong sign that we, as Europeans, can do something for a better world. This is my dream…

More information available on the IHT | the Financial Times

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